Kentucky Derby Day: Lucky for You? Not-So-Much for Lucky Bid. So, DO Something about It.
It’s Kentucky Derby Day, 2017. This won’t be a long one–just a short piece, to note readers that, you may be at Churchill Downs, drinking too-many Mint Juleps with your S.O. who’s attired like the White Malcolm X. And you! You may be feeling oh-so-posh in your bright, huge new chapeau. OR you’re at a simulcasting parlor, or at home, safely betting and watching from the comfort of your Barcalounger. And while we revel in the ritual and pageantry of The First Saturday in May--there’s a beautiful gray Thoroughbred in Maryland who, even today–is waiting for his Forever Home.
Lucky Bid–am absolutely gorgeous great-grandson of the towering War Admiral–was abandoned on a farm in Maryland. The boy in this photo, with the sweet face and profoundly soulful eyes is being cared-for at this moment by some wonderful people, the souls who rescued him. But, like you–Lucky Bid needs and deserves a Home. His Forever Home, where he can live out the rest of his life.
WJLA in Washington, D.C., did this story about Lucky Bid (URL, below)–and I beseech Thee to watch and read, then…consider this:
Abandoned. Left alone. In the dark. With no food, no water, no sweet Timothy.
Such amazing beauty, treated like trash by a person who doesn’t deserve to eat another meal. By a human who actually is trash.
Nice, huh? The person who did that–is a complete waste of oxygen. Any human who’d abandon an animal, leaving her/him to fend off the world–deserves to be arrested and thrown into prison forever. (Yep, I’m harsh. Nope, I don’t care.)
If you can get through today thinking only of yourself and the fun you’re having–without thinking for one minute about the millions of equids around the world who are cast aside by people who vowed to GOD, that they’d love and treasure them, always–well, if you can get through today without giving a damn about all the abandoned horses, and those who are being sold to slaughter RIGHT NOW–then you, too, are a waste of oxygen.
I’m harsh. I make enemies, I’m sure. I don’t care. As long as God and the horses love me, I’m good.
Today is NOT about hats, people.
Or celebrities, Mint Juleps, drinking ’til you throw up on your girlfriend.
It’s not about pretty dresses, blowing in the breeze. Or about anything other than…
The horses whose hooves will grace that Louisville oval, all day long.
Horses, who every day of their lives, give their all, so that we can smile and delight in the show.
Today is about horses, and horses, only.
All the rest of it is just window dressing.
So Lucky Bid ain’t so lucky. He needs to find the person or people who WILL love him forever.
If you can help–please do so.
Step away from the betting window.
Put down the program, and your already-bleeding Wagering Fund.
Pass this on, and help find Lucky Bid’s home. Today.
Because today, my friends, is a day of great beauty and splendor–NO, not the long, willowy legs of a bunch of 20-somethings whose dresses are too short to be allowed out of the house. The beauty, the splendor of horse racing is…quelle surprise…The Horse.
Extract yourself from all the pomp and circumstance…take a minute to CARE about horses who AREN’T going to grace the Churchill oval today.
Care, about Lucky Bid. Pray for him. Help us find his Home.
Then, take your winnings today–and tithe money to whatever horse rescue you wish, including to Lucky Bid’s current caretakers.
You can’t buy your way into Heaven, or out of Hell.
But you can rack up some Karma points–and that choice is all yours.
Act now, or forever hold your peace.
Note from WJLA:
“If you would like to become Lucky Bid’s new owner, contact the Montgomery County Animal Services and Adoption Center at (240) 773-5900.”
Retired racehorses can make wonderful pleasure and trail horses for the experienced rider. They respond to the one-on-one love in tremendous gratitude. My own experience with an iff the track mare was extremely rewarding. Lucky Bid, even at his age, with good care has years to give and someone out there to receive the benefits of this wonderful partnership.
Thank you so much for that ringing endorsement of retired race horses, Ms. Michaels! I just heard, that Lucky Bid’s caregivers have received SO many applications, that they had to stop taking them. Praise God, the sweet boy WILL get a Forever Home–and hopefully, with someone like you, who sees all his potential. <3